UDO Choice Oil Blend

Udo Choice Oil Blend

“Special Spring Sale Regular $47.00…….. Sale $37.00”

What are Essential Fats?Oil Blend Bottle

Scientists have given essential fats (a.k.a. essential fatty acids or EFAs) their name because the body must have them to survive, but cannot synthesize them from any other substance we eat, so a direct food source is required. Hence, the name essential. There are many kinds of fats, but only two kinds of essential fats: omega 3 (omega-3 or w3) and omega 6 (omega-6 or w6), both of which are unsaturated fats. Each EFA is turned into several derivatives by the body, provided enough omega-3 and omega-6, in the right ratio, and made with health in mind, are supplied. All other fats, such as omega 9 (monounsaturated), omega 7, and saturated fat, are non-essential because the body can produce them from sugars and starches.

Where do Essential Fats come from?

Sources of omega-3s are flaxseeds and green leafy vegetables. The omega-3 derivatives EPA and DHA are found in high fat, cold water fish such as albacore tuna, sardines, Atlantic halibut and salmon, Coho, pink and king salmon, Pacific and Atlantic herring, Atlantic mackerel, and lake trout. Small amounts of EPA and DHA omega-3s are also found in oysters and other shellfish.

Omega-6 is found in sesame and sunflower seeds and other seeds and nuts. Land animal meats and fish are sources of the omega-6 derivative arachidonic acid (AA). The fish listed above are preferred sources of omega-3 and omega-6 derivatives, because they are the richest sources, and contain both, with more omega-3s.

 Why do we need Essential Fats?

Just as a member of a large family has many roles, essential fats serve many functions in the complex workings of the human body. Taken in the right amounts and ratios, and taken from the right sources, essential fats help establish and maintain health as follows . . .

  • Increase energy, performance, and stamina. EFAs enhance thermogenesis, help build muscle, prevent muscle break down, and speed recovery from fatigue;
  • Strengthen the immune system. EFAs make hormone-like eicosanoids that regulate immune and inflammatory responses. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory effects and can slow autoimmune damage;
  • Lower most risk factors for cardiovascular disease. EFAs (especially n3s) lower abnormally high levels of blood pressure, triglycerides, Lp(a), fibrinogen, tendency to clot formation, and inflammation;
  • Improve brain function: mood, intelligence , behavior, and vision. Our brain is over 60% fat. EFAs are important components of the entire nervous system. They are necessary to make the neurotransmitter serotonin. Depression and other brain diseases show decreased levels of omega-3;
  • Aid in weight reduction. EFAs help keep mood and energy up and suppress appetite, thereby aiding in weight loss. More recently, they have been found to block the genes that produce fat in the body (saturated and Trans Fat do not have this same effect) and increase thermogenesis;
  • Regulate organs and glands. Liver and kidneys, adrenal and thyroid glands, and the production of male and female hormones need EFAs;
  • Speed recovery and healing. EFAs are necessary for cell growth and division. They form all cell membranes and regulate vital cell activity;
  • Support healthy child development. For nervous system development, a growing fetus needs optimum EFAs from the mother’s body. Mothers become depleted of EFAs during pregnancy, and need optimal EFA intake for their health and their children’s optimum development;
  • Improve digestion. Poorly digested foods tie up the immune system and can cause gut inflammation, leaky gut, and allergies. Omega-3s improve gut integrity, and decrease inflammation and “leaky gut”;
  • Decrease infection. EFAs have anti-fungal, anti-yeast, and anti-microbial properties, helping to protect against infections;
  • Keep bones strong. EFAs aid in the transport of minerals that keep bones and teeth strong, helping to prevent osteoporosis;
  • Protect genetic material. EFAs regulate gene expression, and omega-3s inhibit tumor growth;
  • Ease PMS. Studies indicate that omega-6 (GLA) intake was voted, by women, among the top three most effective PMS treatments. Omega-3s may be even more effective;
  • Produce beautiful skin, hair, and nails. Some of the first signs of EFA deficiency are dry, flaky skin, dull hair, and brittle nails. omega-3s can help skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Also, GLA (omega-6 derivative) administration is useful for some patients with atopic eczema.

Of all the essential nutrients, essential fats are by far the most abused because they are perishable, chemically unstable foods.  Almost all supermarket oils, including the oils used in processed foods, have been damaged by destructive processing techniques, including refining, bleaching, overheating, and/or partial hydrogenation (a process which produces deadly trans-fats).

 More recently (the last 20 years), ‘low’ fat, ‘no’ fat, and ‘fake’ fat diets have been depriving people of both essential fats. Deficiency leads to deterioration of every cell, tissue, gland, organ and organ system and, by extension, to symptoms of deficiency that accompany loss of health.

 The dangers of trans fats:

The omega-3 essential fat alpha-linolenic acid (LNA) is damaged 5 times more quickly than the omega-6. This makes it a manufacturer’s nightmare, unless great care is taken to protect it during manufacture, storage (and home use too). Unfortunately, fish oils are destroyed 5 times more rapidly than even LNA. This is why fish oils smell and taste fishy (which is rancidity) and why eating fresh fish at the sushi bar to get the health-benefiting EPA and DHA is preferable to capsules of EPA or DHA-rich oils from fish.

Where do we get Undamaged Essential Fats?

Oils made with health in mind come from organically grown seeds. They are pressed under protection from heat, light, and oxygen; packaged in tightly sealed brown glass bottles; placed in a light-excluding box; and stored in the fridge. Oils made with this care – the highest possible quality – are mostly found in health food stores and naturopathic physician offices, although some department stores and specialty stores are now also servicing their customers.

What is Udo’s Choice Perfected 3, 6, 9 Oil Blend?

Made with exceptional care, this Oil Blend was developed for people who want one product that gives them all the good fats they need, without any of the bad fats they should avoid.

How should we use Essential Fats?

Used in the right amounts and ratios, essential fats confer invaluable health benefits. 1 to 5 Tbsp/day of Udo’s Choice Perfected 3, 6, 9 Oil Blend will make skin soft and velvety. For serious conditions, seek advice of a nutritionally trained health care professional.

Udo’s Choice Oil Blend is compatible with all foods and can be used with cold, warm, and hot (once off the heat source) foods but must not be used for frying, baking, or other high temperature cooking. Favorite uses are in salads, protein shakes, yogurt, juices, soups, on steamed vegetables, rice, and pastas, and with balsamic vinegar for dipping.
Sealed Udo’s Choice Oil Blend bottles can be kept for up to eight months refrigerated and for over two years in the freezer (oil shrinks when frozen so the glass bottles will not break). For freshness, the oil is best used within eight weeks of opening the bottle.

What makes Udo’s Choice Oil Blend unique?

Carefully chosen, the seeds used to make Udo’s Choice Perfected 3, 6, 9 Oil Blend are pressed at a temperature of less than 120°F (or 50°C) and, even more important, in the absence of light and oxygen. Nitrogen-flushed, amber glass bottles packaged in a box and found only in the fridge or freezer, protects this Oil Blend from potential damage by heat, light and oxygen, and helps to ensure maximum freshness and stability.

Udo’s Choice 3, 6, 9 Oil Blend Ingredients:

  • organic flax seed oil;
  • organic sunflower seed oil;
  • organic sesame seed oil;
  • rice and oat germ oils;
  • organic coconut oil;
  • organic evening primrose oil;
  • lecithin (guaranteed GMO-free);
  • vitamin E;
  • antioxidants (tocotrienols); and
  • Rosemary oil.

Naturally Occurring “Minor Ingredients”:

  • 65mg of phytosterols/tablespoon (lower cholesterol and normalize immune function);
  • lignans (beneficial phytoestrogens from flax);
  • carotene; and
  • Tocotrienols and other seed specific antioxidants.
  • hundreds of other oil-soluble, health-benefiting phytonutrients
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